Did you know that the City of LA is asking you to #SkipTheStuff?
When you’re getting food to-go or delivered, skip all that extra single-use stuff—the plastic forks, the napkins, the condiments.
This saves restaurants money! And, it’s good for our environment, our bodies, and our water.
Most of this stuff can’t be recycled. And plastics never break down completely—they just end up in smaller and smaller particles until they can be absorbed into our bodies and the bodies of the food we eat. And so-called “compostable plastics” can’t be composted by most facilities, and aren’t composted in LA.
Plastics are made from fossil fuels, which we REALLY need to get away from as quickly as possible in order to avoid the worst of the climate crisis.
So, what’s the solution?
Reuse your foodware!
In California, you can bring in your own clean reusable mug, cup, bowl, or plate to be used in any restaurant. It’s the law! Check out #ContactlessCoffee.
And it is safe to do this, even now, even with COVID. If your foodware has been cleaned, then the germs have been washed off. Also, there are no documented cases of COVID-19 transmission via surfaces. And we know that the coronavirus lasts longer on plastic than on other materials.
So, join us in the transition!
To get more involved, visit reusablela.org/get-involved.